The Secret Moon
1.Frank Zero's notes on topics discussed at The Secret Sun. 2. Journal head writer for Cosmic Comics 3. Journal of vocalist for the band Autotomii
Sunday, November 4, 2012
As the Sun sets, a Secret to some, a Source for others; its heroes are left both a little more lonely and yet more empowered. Most travelers who happened upon and set up shop in the Sun, did so with heartfelt conviction and a life full of purpose. Not to some material nonsense, but some unattainable essence that touches us when the other side bleeds over, where we come together and share the warmth of the same paranormal fire. Gathered there in safety, we have to understand the cyclic nature of this game… how the storyteller must evolve and save himself to bring us further tales and excitement, how the shaman bearing the weight and vision of the tribe must give pause to rest and hopefully to weep for those have unlearned feelings…you know, there are those sensaunauts, not far from the beings in Beyond the Black Rainbow that seek only the material pleasure, and to suck the literal life force from this planet. The others. The enemy. The us, which only a select few of us are wise enough to crucify in the night and in silence for the weight of the tribe’s woes. We are still the innocent girl running from the industry of pathology, and we have such magnificent untapped power!
Is there any hope? Do we feel like things are going to turn out alright? I don’t know…I certainly do.
We, who hold such brave intentions, as to wade in darkness to bring back relics of meaning back up to the surface world. We are those first explorers, digging and encouraging study of the unknown. We are no longer plagued by Bible belt psychotronic fundamentalism, we are no longer chained to defense contract budgeting figures and the visual aftermath of nuclear Armageddon. We have no need to grip weapons waiting for the Commies to take over our neighborhoods. Cause with all the real threats in the world, what controls us, really, is the story.
Let’s change the story. New York is working with urban planning organizations to allow rooftop farming and vegetation. People are coming up with their own alternative energy systems left and right. Even some major corporations are pitching in and trying to adjust their methods. The major world powers don’t want war, they just feel it’s the only way to keep their brittle control over all those people…That fear doesn’t have to amplify into our consciousness. We don’t have to escape, we can change things here. Don’t sign up to kill people unless your protecting your country, don’t ever dare to skip the research, and assume your country didn’t strike first.
My grandfather is a WW2 Historian, the most honorable and patient individual I've ever known, and served as an outstanding example to those in his community, his country, his family, and really, truly to the world. I do not exaggerate here, I'm sure your familiar with those men who took hold of the country in the 50s, respected the extremes of the Depression and genuinely just functioned by helping people out. I was always too young perhaps, to appreciate the magnitude of importance of his role as historian, standing in the KandB parking lot watching him converse with mumbling men proudly sporting a baseball cap with whatever bomber or battleship unit they had served with. I know that the D-Day museum here in New Orleans will never be able to give back or exhibit the vast resources my grandfather provided while volunteering there from before it was even built, until he was giving daily tours to schoolchildren and foreign veterans alike.
As my grandfather’s (who raised me) cancer took a turn for the worst in the last weeks* and Christopher Knowles steps down from the Secret Sun blog*, I have meditated on this time long enough to understand that certain, most important heroes were receding in my world. This can only mean it’s time for a new bunch of heroes to take the world stage and change things for the better. I can feel the pulse of inspiration moving through Raj’s videos, David’s latest blogs, Ted’s interviews, and all of the work emanating from the Sun.
*Pops is doing better and back to examining his photo albums of times past. He can still spot a F-15 from a Harrier ten yards out without the glasses. Soldier.
*Christopher Knowles is working on multiple book projects and continuing the Radio Mystery Hour, I don’t want to make it seem like he’s retiring or anything ;)
If I made you an admin in the Secret Moon facebook page (not group) that is for you to advertise your work. Please do.
Peter Basel has been abducted into Psycube for multiple reasons and will be joining us on future projects.
I will be working closely with Matt Allair over at the X-Files Lexicon and related sites. I’ll keep you posted.
Shout out to Cassie Hunter who is taking the role of Aesthar…like a boss!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Psycube Onward
New Project Psycube Interview:
Always Record Episode 20 New Psycube Website
The team is working on the new Aesthar stuff. By December, at least, we should have some way for you guys to order copies if you like.
Hope to have at least a new issue or two, the 2nd Sync Book, and possibly a Psycube Book by the
Orleans Comic Con. All of which should be available online by December or earlier.
Always Record Episode 20 New Psycube Website
The team is working on the new Aesthar stuff. By December, at least, we should have some way for you guys to order copies if you like.
Hope to have at least a new issue or two, the 2nd Sync Book, and possibly a Psycube Book by the
Orleans Comic Con. All of which should be available online by December or earlier.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Project Psycube and Sync 2
"On September 13th, the trio known as PsyCube (Violator Hellspawn, Cosmic Comics, and Trevor Tocco) will be joining the Always Record trio (Alan Green, William John, and Dvd Platypus) for what will undoubtably be an awesome roundtable. Very much looking forward to it."-Alan Green
Will Morgan interviewed me at 42 minutes
There will be a website and facebook page continuing the work from the chapter I completed for the Sync Book 2 COMING VERY SOON
Sync Book 2 .
Work on Aesthar # 1 has begun involving future cities and inner demon machines!...
Here is my episode summary for End Game at the X-Files Lexicon.
I also completed an episode summary for Sleepless (to be posted soon) that corresponds to my on-going Examiner article series:
The Glass Bringers of Midnight
Red Skull Radio
Also if you know anyone who was affected by the Cosplay "Crackdown" on fb please tell them to message me. Many artist lost their work or records of it and convention photos without warning so I'm trying to help these people. Thank you.
Frank Zero's video game previews and reviews on the way, and much more
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
I wrote some articles for the
Here are some of the first ones...
Featuring Interviews with:
Christopher Knowles
Adi Granov
Steve Wilner
David McDermott
Trevor Tocco
Violator Hellspawn
Bob Frissell
Pete Hoge
Adam Jeremiah
Clint Boyle
and adding more by the day : )
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Weapon X Part 1
" The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2
Weapon X
There seem to be some unignorable similarities between the accounts of "real super soldiers " and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics Universe.
When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele's, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious " Professor " who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron. The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren't enough, with all the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finaon's interviews. or Fritz Springmeir's Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that GI Joe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s...
" Under the name Logan, Wolverine had already been working for the CIA alongside fellow agents like Victor Creed, the future Sabertooth. The CIA established Project X in order to convert men into "super soldiers" with unusual abilities. The project facilities were set up in Windsor, Canada, through a secret agreement with the Canadian government. "
-X-Men: The Ultimate Guide
Season 3 Episode 19 Weapon X, Lies and Videotape
Wolverine travels back to Canada to investigate his past. This is similar to the factual tale of Doctor Ewan Cameron and his furthering of Mengele's mind control sciences in Canada. In this episode the Canadian Professor seems to list the steps of his work as if they are simply chapters in a Fritz Springmeier book. The professor would later have his hand cut off by Wolverine who would track him down and find him hiding in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pest Control Division. He was killed by Silver Fox in Ontario years after.
So Wolverine has dreams about Sabertooth emasculating him by threatening his woman ( Silver Fox ),
" after all we've been through "
This seems to be a reference to what Monarch researchers would consider bonding
Xavier tries to probe his mind and screams in agony
" Strange tortuous memories pouring out as if a damn had burst "
Then Wolverine has a super soldier freak out on his own friends.
" Hank, I found this, inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago, there was no return address. I've seen this image in his mind, this must be a clue to his delusions. Perhaps it triggered him "
"Super Soldier" Duncan Finoan explains these same paranoid delusions and triggers that cause him to board himself up in his house with all the lights off and his guns out.
" You just went in a dream state again what did you see ? "
" Me Being trained to take people out " - Wolvie
" I assume you've been having headaches and nightmares, like Maverick and I, they did something to our minds when we worked here, something code named Project Talos "
" Take a closer look Logan, you remember these places don't you " Silver Fox
" Created Memories, but to what purpose ? " - Beast
Wolverine has memories contradicting the movie sets of his memories he is standing in.
Sabertooth falls to the ground weeping remembering his dad abusing him for being different.
" Why does somebody want us to remember this, like it’s all bad "
According to the literature on mind control. It has been found most effective to traumatize ( abuse ) a person physically at ages three and five, later these people would be bonded with other children and giving moments of life that seemed perfect/supportive
As Wolverine approaches Silver Fox lovingly, she wards him off
" The cabin, was that a lie too ? " - Wolverine
" Despite initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When they're covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events. " -Doctor
" Aldo Ferro was a crime lord...who once owned half the land /biz in Cuba. During the Weapon X experiment, Ferro used his telepathic powers to implant false memories in Wolverine and other victims. Ferro linked the false memories to the pain receptors of his victims not only because it was more effective, but because he enjoyed inflicting pain on others. " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Vol.2
They show the four subjects back to back as if to hint at twinning.
It is made obvious that this set is a movie studio with different rooms to fabricate different childhood memories...
Talos is responsible for their reprogramming, an evil borg looking archon type
"Talosians are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly unemotional, so they gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of living on their planet's surface and needed to use other species to reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and capture Captain Pike. They reappear in "The Menagerie".
all that blabber from Wikipedia just means that the Talosians were the Watchers and here we have a Watcher that is trying to reprogram Monarch/Military mind control victims...very odd
Sabertooth uses the creative visualization against the shape shifting watcher and pretends he is fighting his father.
Maverick shape shifts as well.
"Don't you get it Logan, it was all made up "
Weapon Plus
Captain America- 1st generation super soldier
Red Skull
Omega Red
WEAPON X Projects
Wolverine-10th generation super soldier, actual character created 1974
Silver Fox
Lady Deathstrike
Weapon XV
Department H - Alpha Flight, but sounds like Detachment G in real life
Note: Maverick, Sabertooth, and Wolvie were all in the C.I.A. in the 60s
Note: The Shi'ar also wanted to preserve Wolverine's genetics to produce clones in other dimensions…
Examiner Article Illustrated Version
" The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2
Weapon X
There seem to be some unignorable similarities between the accounts of "real super soldiers " and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics Universe.
When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele's, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious " Professor " who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron. The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren't enough, with all the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finaon's interviews. or Fritz Springmeir's Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that GI Joe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s...
" Under the name Logan, Wolverine had already been working for the CIA alongside fellow agents like Victor Creed, the future Sabertooth. The CIA established Project X in order to convert men into "super soldiers" with unusual abilities. The project facilities were set up in Windsor, Canada, through a secret agreement with the Canadian government. "
-X-Men: The Ultimate Guide
Season 3 Episode 19 Weapon X, Lies and Videotape
Wolverine travels back to Canada to investigate his past. This is similar to the factual tale of Doctor Ewan Cameron and his furthering of Mengele's mind control sciences in Canada. In this episode the Canadian Professor seems to list the steps of his work as if they are simply chapters in a Fritz Springmeier book. The professor would later have his hand cut off by Wolverine who would track him down and find him hiding in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pest Control Division. He was killed by Silver Fox in Ontario years after.
So Wolverine has dreams about Sabertooth emasculating him by threatening his woman ( Silver Fox ),
" after all we've been through "
This seems to be a reference to what Monarch researchers would consider bonding
Xavier tries to probe his mind and screams in agony
" Strange tortuous memories pouring out as if a damn had burst "
Then Wolverine has a super soldier freak out on his own friends.
" Hank, I found this, inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago, there was no return address. I've seen this image in his mind, this must be a clue to his delusions. Perhaps it triggered him "
"Super Soldier" Duncan Finoan explains these same paranoid delusions and triggers that cause him to board himself up in his house with all the lights off and his guns out.
" You just went in a dream state again what did you see ? "
" Me Being trained to take people out " - Wolvie
" I assume you've been having headaches and nightmares, like Maverick and I, they did something to our minds when we worked here, something code named Project Talos "
" Take a closer look Logan, you remember these places don't you " Silver Fox
" Created Memories, but to what purpose ? " - Beast
Wolverine has memories contradicting the movie sets of his memories he is standing in.
Sabertooth falls to the ground weeping remembering his dad abusing him for being different.
" Why does somebody want us to remember this, like it’s all bad "
According to the literature on mind control. It has been found most effective to traumatize ( abuse ) a person physically at ages three and five, later these people would be bonded with other children and giving moments of life that seemed perfect/supportive
As Wolverine approaches Silver Fox lovingly, she wards him off
" The cabin, was that a lie too ? " - Wolverine
" Despite initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When they're covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events. " -Doctor
" Aldo Ferro was a crime lord...who once owned half the land /biz in Cuba. During the Weapon X experiment, Ferro used his telepathic powers to implant false memories in Wolverine and other victims. Ferro linked the false memories to the pain receptors of his victims not only because it was more effective, but because he enjoyed inflicting pain on others. " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Vol.2
They show the four subjects back to back as if to hint at twinning.
It is made obvious that this set is a movie studio with different rooms to fabricate different childhood memories...
Talos is responsible for their reprogramming, an evil borg looking archon type
"Talosians are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly unemotional, so they gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of living on their planet's surface and needed to use other species to reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and capture Captain Pike. They reappear in "The Menagerie".
all that blabber from Wikipedia just means that the Talosians were the Watchers and here we have a Watcher that is trying to reprogram Monarch/Military mind control victims...very odd
Sabertooth uses the creative visualization against the shape shifting watcher and pretends he is fighting his father.
Maverick shape shifts as well.
"Don't you get it Logan, it was all made up "
Weapon Plus
Captain America- 1st generation super soldier
Red Skull
Omega Red
WEAPON X Projects
Wolverine-10th generation super soldier, actual character created 1974
Silver Fox
Lady Deathstrike
Weapon XV
Department H - Alpha Flight, but sounds like Detachment G in real life
Note: Maverick, Sabertooth, and Wolvie were all in the C.I.A. in the 60s
Note: The Shi'ar also wanted to preserve Wolverine's genetics to produce clones in other dimensions…
Examiner Article Illustrated Version
Sunday, April 8, 2012
just an update
For countless years the shaman has undergone ( mostly willingly ) various types of transformation within him- or her-self in order to bring back from the fragmented world of spirit ( the unconscious ) a more updated or accurate language, with which the shaman may then bestow upon the other members of the tribe. Though this technique may be used for physical remedies, prophecy, RV, or time travel, or simply to update the god's current agenda for a specific culture, I am going to attempt all three at once. Seeing as how I'm stuck in New Orleans, and the broken city will stop at nothing to destroy me, I will dive once again...deep into the unknown, to places for which, unlike Epcot, I have no handrails. My aim again is contact but this time I need help. I need to know that there's something helping me on the other side and not just toward my own self destruct. My back is against the wall and there's not much left to lose. Onward, for only a fool approaches death without knowing that he is to be reborn as his or her god self. This is what the shaman culture knew and this is why they avoided the daily annoyance of social programming and small talk , unless they needed to come down from the mountain and set things right or make sure the popular culture was being swayed according to plan. But who's plan, and am I sure I wanna be on the train or the tracks when they decide it's doomsday? I am beginning to understand the world for what it is and not what we have been groomed to think it is. Charles Fort wasn't stretching any truth or reality in saying this place is a farm. We were just the live stock, but we just worked so hard, we just needed that promotion, We will farm our own and men became kings and gods became slaves and aliens just stayed in the shadows. In the Dark parts of this world wide City continuing their experiment, fine tuning the Saturn machine programming to fit our illustrious and illusory desires...just enough to squeeze the human out of us. Just enough to pervert the heart to the cold constaints of the logical mind and other mammilion distractions, and even more over -night addictions and collective consciousness viruses. Demons and the Demiurge. My armchair psychoanalyses will never be enough to play this game of astral chess, and from my castle constructed in the waves of moonlight and illusion I call forth a greater magick to reinforce our morale and informational infrastructure to be reborn anew in the light of the Sun.
Some updates
The team has begun working on Gnosis issue # 2
please check out my Examiner articles if you get a second
The store has been updated with X-Files books and tons of alien movies, please send me any request you may have.
The Secret Moon group is goin strong with many new members
For countless years the shaman has undergone ( mostly willingly ) various types of transformation within him- or her-self in order to bring back from the fragmented world of spirit ( the unconscious ) a more updated or accurate language, with which the shaman may then bestow upon the other members of the tribe. Though this technique may be used for physical remedies, prophecy, RV, or time travel, or simply to update the god's current agenda for a specific culture, I am going to attempt all three at once. Seeing as how I'm stuck in New Orleans, and the broken city will stop at nothing to destroy me, I will dive once again...deep into the unknown, to places for which, unlike Epcot, I have no handrails. My aim again is contact but this time I need help. I need to know that there's something helping me on the other side and not just toward my own self destruct. My back is against the wall and there's not much left to lose. Onward, for only a fool approaches death without knowing that he is to be reborn as his or her god self. This is what the shaman culture knew and this is why they avoided the daily annoyance of social programming and small talk , unless they needed to come down from the mountain and set things right or make sure the popular culture was being swayed according to plan. But who's plan, and am I sure I wanna be on the train or the tracks when they decide it's doomsday? I am beginning to understand the world for what it is and not what we have been groomed to think it is. Charles Fort wasn't stretching any truth or reality in saying this place is a farm. We were just the live stock, but we just worked so hard, we just needed that promotion, We will farm our own and men became kings and gods became slaves and aliens just stayed in the shadows. In the Dark parts of this world wide City continuing their experiment, fine tuning the Saturn machine programming to fit our illustrious and illusory desires...just enough to squeeze the human out of us. Just enough to pervert the heart to the cold constaints of the logical mind and other mammilion distractions, and even more over -night addictions and collective consciousness viruses. Demons and the Demiurge. My armchair psychoanalyses will never be enough to play this game of astral chess, and from my castle constructed in the waves of moonlight and illusion I call forth a greater magick to reinforce our morale and informational infrastructure to be reborn anew in the light of the Sun.
Some updates
The team has begun working on Gnosis issue # 2
please check out my Examiner articles if you get a second
The store has been updated with X-Files books and tons of alien movies, please send me any request you may have.
The Secret Moon group is goin strong with many new members
Friday, March 30, 2012
Moon Base 2

There have been some changes in the Moon's inards.
1. I am writing articles for the Examiner now, here's what I have cooked up thus far
The All Spark and the Black Oil
Super People and the Latent Extent of Human
The Secret Moon Store is also new

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Meeting An Alien
Part 1

I was told by a friend, whom I am not very close to ( more of a friend of a friend ) that she knew someone in the area who claimed to be an alien. Of course I expressed interest, but simply asked her to ask this individual where he was from ( planet, star system, etc.. ) and what kind of species he was. Sudden;y one day she announces " there he is, the guy that is an alien " After studying him from a distance for some time I went over shook hands and tried to at least clarify that he wasn't from around here. He was friendly but knew right where I was going with it. He most certainly was not pleased that she had shared that information with me, and seemed to have meant it for her alone. Seeing as how these two people have known each other for some time, I intuitively gathered his influence was meant only for her, and not in a weird way, I could feel this.
I promptly explained my vast interest in these topics and how long I have been engaged in this kind of research. I added that the disclosure of any of this information was up to him, and tried to explain that, even though we had met moments before, he could trust me...
" You could learn a lot from many tribes, but your gonna have to be more subtle than your being here "
He said he came from where Ares and Taurus collectively point. He drew a star chart with some symbols and said " this may mean something to you someday "
He said the Iggig ( Watchers ) and the Anu ( Annunaki ) are two of three species that have interacted with humanity before. None of the species are evil. However all intelligent species are humanoid in form.
"In Ancient Sumero-Babylonian god of the firmament, the 'great above', and the son of the first pair of gods, Ansar and Kisar, descendant of Apsu and Tiamat. He is referred to as "the Father" and "King of the Gods", which signifies his importance in the Mesopotamian pantheon. Not only is he the father of the gods, but also of a great number of demons, whom he sends to humans. In the Sumerian cosmology there was, first of all, the primeval sea, from which was born the cosmic mountain consisting of heaven, 'An', and earth, 'Ki'. They were separated by Enlil, then Anu carried off the heavens, and Enlil the earth. Anu later retreated more and more into the background. He retires to the upper heavens and leaves the affairs of the universe to Marduk and a younger generation of gods.
His consort was Antu (Anatum), a goddess of creation, but she was later replaced by Ishtar. Temples dedicated to Anu could be found in Uruk and Assur."
-Micha F. Lindemans

" They look just like us. "
He emphasized how much control we have over our emotions and how much that makes us " perfect " physiologically.
" Physics has a place for everyone, but you are perfect. "
He expressed a strong concern for wanting to be like us. He said that's why his species is here. "We are here to ...( cross breed/ integrate/ assimilate the mastery of emotions )
" Theres no going back "
He explains they were a fallen civilization because of their inability to control their emotions.
He said abductions are part of a " deception " plan. He also said our evolution got stuck or held back. Also that without religous context and hang ups, we could co exist with the planet and other species.
Note : So far I am assuming he is from Ursa Minor ( Wagon ) or Orion
Part 1

I was told by a friend, whom I am not very close to ( more of a friend of a friend ) that she knew someone in the area who claimed to be an alien. Of course I expressed interest, but simply asked her to ask this individual where he was from ( planet, star system, etc.. ) and what kind of species he was. Sudden;y one day she announces " there he is, the guy that is an alien " After studying him from a distance for some time I went over shook hands and tried to at least clarify that he wasn't from around here. He was friendly but knew right where I was going with it. He most certainly was not pleased that she had shared that information with me, and seemed to have meant it for her alone. Seeing as how these two people have known each other for some time, I intuitively gathered his influence was meant only for her, and not in a weird way, I could feel this.
I promptly explained my vast interest in these topics and how long I have been engaged in this kind of research. I added that the disclosure of any of this information was up to him, and tried to explain that, even though we had met moments before, he could trust me...
" You could learn a lot from many tribes, but your gonna have to be more subtle than your being here "
He said he came from where Ares and Taurus collectively point. He drew a star chart with some symbols and said " this may mean something to you someday "
He said the Iggig ( Watchers ) and the Anu ( Annunaki ) are two of three species that have interacted with humanity before. None of the species are evil. However all intelligent species are humanoid in form.
"In Ancient Sumero-Babylonian god of the firmament, the 'great above', and the son of the first pair of gods, Ansar and Kisar, descendant of Apsu and Tiamat. He is referred to as "the Father" and "King of the Gods", which signifies his importance in the Mesopotamian pantheon. Not only is he the father of the gods, but also of a great number of demons, whom he sends to humans. In the Sumerian cosmology there was, first of all, the primeval sea, from which was born the cosmic mountain consisting of heaven, 'An', and earth, 'Ki'. They were separated by Enlil, then Anu carried off the heavens, and Enlil the earth. Anu later retreated more and more into the background. He retires to the upper heavens and leaves the affairs of the universe to Marduk and a younger generation of gods.
His consort was Antu (Anatum), a goddess of creation, but she was later replaced by Ishtar. Temples dedicated to Anu could be found in Uruk and Assur."
-Micha F. Lindemans

" They look just like us. "
He emphasized how much control we have over our emotions and how much that makes us " perfect " physiologically.
" Physics has a place for everyone, but you are perfect. "
He expressed a strong concern for wanting to be like us. He said that's why his species is here. "We are here to ...( cross breed/ integrate/ assimilate the mastery of emotions )
" Theres no going back "
He explains they were a fallen civilization because of their inability to control their emotions.
He said abductions are part of a " deception " plan. He also said our evolution got stuck or held back. Also that without religous context and hang ups, we could co exist with the planet and other species.
Note : So far I am assuming he is from Ursa Minor ( Wagon ) or Orion
Keys to Mutation
Mutation ( super human evolution in this case ) may be triggered by a sporadic but strong burst of emotion, often "forced" by traumatic events.
Project Talent-esque Test seem to be based around reaction to trauma and the amount of dissacoiation possible in an individual ( we may suppose for implanting altars, in this case of an occult or super human nature )
Emotion itself may be the key to mutation. If there are three energy fields to the human body, the emotional one may be able to cause change in reality at will.

Magneto- In the film X-Men First Class, we see Magneto being traumatized by first the suggestion, then the murder of his mother before his eyes. In a Project Talent esque way this seems like trauma forced on the young Magneto to test the extent to which his emotions can effect his powers. Duncan F explains that the occult persona is another altar. Could this be like Wolverine being given false memories of traumatic events during Weapon X ? Is this why the mutation hits often at puberty, with the onset of extreme emotional reactivity?
( Note: Magneto is traumatized/mutated by Sebastion Shaw. ( SS for short ) who is a black magician who manipulates the powers in the military industrial complex to further his centuries old agenda. He is also responsible for the ideas behind the sentinals. )
( Note the beginning of the film nautiously confuses the swastika and X symbol on Bacon's quarter, suggesting super human mutation and SS projects are closely tied. It sure made me uncomfortable )

John Murdoch in Dark City is not able to actually change the Saturn Machine until he gets angry enough. Then with the use of his third eye and lots of rage ( common in the birth of heroes ) he manipulates reality to fit his dreams.

Notes on Duncan :

was in North Vietnam twice
1. When he was 12 in 1972, in Cambodia. Seal and Recon team called for reinforcements. Recon and Seal told him a black helicopter appeared twelve kids exit the chopper. The kids got off the chopper and formed a semi circle. Boys and girls. They were all around between 9-12, they held their hands lifted their arms and killled all the opposing troops. He says he was the lead battery and one of the other kids aimed the beam. One of the other kids is not willing to come foreward with that information. Seems like some kind of solar plexus projection. The lady in the hard ware store later appears in a lab coat, Duncan is in some house. In a hallway with green and white tiles, " Im doing something that all of us, share this trait...we squat."
He is put through psychic trials to lift a bucket and the lady watches him with a clipboard, and dissaproves of Duncan's inability.
The second time he was in Vietnam. He got about ten feet off the ground in a Huey and then got shot down. The Navy Seal Captain saves him. The Captain's whole family was in CIA. He was a sniper and a Sealboat Captain. Five or Seven tours amazing kill record. ( this matches a scene in the game Black Ops )
He experieinces Programmmed Headaches, like abductees.
He remembers certain things about Mars,
"Very tall thin large creatures that look Egyptian. In a state of stasis."
" Don't go there, that we are waking something up "
Mutation ( super human evolution in this case ) may be triggered by a sporadic but strong burst of emotion, often "forced" by traumatic events.
Project Talent-esque Test seem to be based around reaction to trauma and the amount of dissacoiation possible in an individual ( we may suppose for implanting altars, in this case of an occult or super human nature )
Emotion itself may be the key to mutation. If there are three energy fields to the human body, the emotional one may be able to cause change in reality at will.

Magneto- In the film X-Men First Class, we see Magneto being traumatized by first the suggestion, then the murder of his mother before his eyes. In a Project Talent esque way this seems like trauma forced on the young Magneto to test the extent to which his emotions can effect his powers. Duncan F explains that the occult persona is another altar. Could this be like Wolverine being given false memories of traumatic events during Weapon X ? Is this why the mutation hits often at puberty, with the onset of extreme emotional reactivity?
( Note: Magneto is traumatized/mutated by Sebastion Shaw. ( SS for short ) who is a black magician who manipulates the powers in the military industrial complex to further his centuries old agenda. He is also responsible for the ideas behind the sentinals. )
( Note the beginning of the film nautiously confuses the swastika and X symbol on Bacon's quarter, suggesting super human mutation and SS projects are closely tied. It sure made me uncomfortable )

John Murdoch in Dark City is not able to actually change the Saturn Machine until he gets angry enough. Then with the use of his third eye and lots of rage ( common in the birth of heroes ) he manipulates reality to fit his dreams.

Notes on Duncan :

was in North Vietnam twice
1. When he was 12 in 1972, in Cambodia. Seal and Recon team called for reinforcements. Recon and Seal told him a black helicopter appeared twelve kids exit the chopper. The kids got off the chopper and formed a semi circle. Boys and girls. They were all around between 9-12, they held their hands lifted their arms and killled all the opposing troops. He says he was the lead battery and one of the other kids aimed the beam. One of the other kids is not willing to come foreward with that information. Seems like some kind of solar plexus projection. The lady in the hard ware store later appears in a lab coat, Duncan is in some house. In a hallway with green and white tiles, " Im doing something that all of us, share this trait...we squat."
He is put through psychic trials to lift a bucket and the lady watches him with a clipboard, and dissaproves of Duncan's inability.
The second time he was in Vietnam. He got about ten feet off the ground in a Huey and then got shot down. The Navy Seal Captain saves him. The Captain's whole family was in CIA. He was a sniper and a Sealboat Captain. Five or Seven tours amazing kill record. ( this matches a scene in the game Black Ops )
He experieinces Programmmed Headaches, like abductees.
He remembers certain things about Mars,
"Very tall thin large creatures that look Egyptian. In a state of stasis."
" Don't go there, that we are waking something up "
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Project Colossus
PROJECT 0 99917

( censored for reasons of Project Security ) Themes in the game include mind control, mental driving, Kennedy, Cuba, and the Cold War, basically an interesting mix of real world black operations history.( CLASSIFIED ) I originally wrote " to mirror Mk-Ultra experiments while playing the game may bring about some helpful memories " although now in retrospect I am not so positive about the approach since, it led to a kind of complete mental breakdown which led to days of actual sickness...

Day 1 the substances have formed new and interesting habits in my physiology, like a sudden need for Apple Jacks. In-game performance however is unaffected. As I have found many super soldier and mind control themes in cartoons, I wanted to delve into the game with the same investigative mind set. Before I even begin I would like to note that your " CIA Handler " in the game has the same name as the man, who takes in Wolverine when he is feral after Weapon X...a Jason Hudson. Wolverine also works for the CIA prior to the events of Weapon X.

The game begins with your character Alex Mason being strapped to a chair. Out the corner of the screen one can note nine TV screens. They play random footage of Kennedy, Russia, China, Castro, repeat, until they all align to an image of one giant eye across all nine TVs. Horny youtubers may want to consider this with all the eyes on pyramids on other TVs in the game as proof of something...

The Call of Duty wiki informs us about the first level
" Mason is asked questions by an unknown interrogator about a numbers broadcast which is being used to contact Soviet sleeper cells in the United States. "
Interrogator: " How can you be sure you really know what happened ? "
" Focus Mason...try to remember "
" Why did you do it Mason, why ? "
" The numbers Mason what do they mean ? "
" You know why your here "
Blueish bright light coming from above...
" You can stop all this now "
" Why did you trust him "
" We're running out of time "
" It's up to you Mason, it's all up to you "
" You killed him Mason. You did it.
No one else. Just you. "
On the right below the TVs, is a smoking cigarette in an ashtray and surgery tools.There are five and six digit codes on many small instruments and machines.
The lights start beating with Mason's heartbeat. There is a whispering voice repeating " I am " without stop and a woman and a man can be heard discussing something but it is not entirely audible.
" Who are you ? " - Mason
" That's not important, what is, is who you are. The numbers Mason what do they mean?
Where are the transmissions coming from ?
Meanwhile electroshock is administered which causes Mason to see strings of seemingly random digits, like the ones found in the room. He also begins receiving memory of the 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion related to a Project 40.
David Ferrie of course trained pilots for that CIA sponsored fiasco, in Guatamala, but not before supplying Castro with weapons to war against Batista.After the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy promptly began clearing house in the intelligence community.
" You will break American "

It is made apparent that Mason was a "gift" to the Russian Castro alliance. On April 19th 1961 two American CIA agents were taken hostage but executed. ( Angus K McNair and Howard F Anderson )
Oct 6, 1963
Reznov fights Mason to distract the guards in a labor camp in Vorkuda, U.S.S.R.
Here it is relayed for the first time in an unrelated context, some of the steps of Mason's programming. These steps are also repeated during the almost assassination of the President. ( Kennedy's debriefing on Castro )
" Secure the keys "
" Ascend from Darkness "
" Reign Fire "
" Unleash the Horde "
" Scold the Wicked beast "
" Wield the Fist of Iron "
" Raise Hell "
Mason in Vorkuda- " I was on my own ...almost a year. They used tear gas. It never left me.
Then the interrogator explains that he was handed over to Jason Hudson.
" Jason Hudson was my new handler "
As Mason is walked through a memory of the the Pentagon, an attractive blonde stares him down.

" We were watching you the whole time "
" You were getting close to your objective "
" This inner sanctum was built in 1943, we rarely use it. Jack Ruby and Oswald flash on two of the eight TVs in the background.
" I can't get these fucking numbers out of my head "
Operation 40 August 12, 1969
The documents ( 3 pages ) inside the game under intel show us that the objective of operation 40 was to " bring about the replacement of the Castro regime with a regime more devoted to the true interests of the Cuban people. This is very similar to the debriefing Eisenhower and Kennedy were actually given on the Bay of Pigs before it went entirely sour.
This file also inform us that mason was born Sept 6, 1960
A file on Vorkuda reveals about Reznov
" his fate was irrevocably changed following a post war mission to the Artic Circle" ( details of the mission are unclear )
" Gulag system, where he endured years of harsh punishment and attempted " reprogramming "
The Rebirth Document is very interesting as well, showing placesin the US with military facilities, charred bodily remains, and what appears to be an alien skull. This document is also marked CIA.
The Revelations document refers to Mason as a preverbial " Manchurian Canidate "
" The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2

Weapon X
There seem to be some unignorable similarities between the accounts of "real super soldiers " and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics Universe.

When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele's, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious " Professor " who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron. The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren't enough, with all the the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finaon's interviews. or Fritz Springmeir's Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that Gijoe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s...

" Under the name Logan, Wolverine had already been working for the CIA alongside fellow agents like Victor Creed, the future Sabertooth. The CIA established Project X in order to convert men into "supersoldiers" with unusual abilities. The project facilities were set up in Windsor, Canada, through a secret agreement with the Canadian government. "
-X-Men: The Ultimate Guide

Season 3 Episode 19 Weapon X, Lies and Videotape
Wolverine travels back to Canada to investigate his past. This is similar to the factual tale of Doctor Ewan Cameron and his furthering of Mengele's mind control sciences in Canada. In this episode the Canadian Professor seems to list the steps of his work as if they are simply chapters in a Fritz Springmeier book. The professor would later have his hand cut off by Wolverine who would track him down and find him hiding in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pest Control Division. He was killed by Silver Fox in Ontario years after.
So Wolverine has dreams about Sabertooth demasculating him by threatening his woman ( Silver Fox ),
" after all we've been through "
This seems to be a reference to what Monarch researchers would consider bonding
Xavier tries to probe his mind and screams in agony
" Strange tortuous memories pouring out as if a damn had burst "
Then Wolverine has a super soldier freak out on his own friends.
" Hank, I found this, inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago, there was no return address. I've seen this image in his mind, this must be a clue to his delusions. Perhaps it triggered him "
"Super Soldier" Duncan Finoan explains these same paranoid delusions and triggers that cause him to board himself up in his house with all the lights off and his guns out.
" You just went in a dream state again what did you see ? "
" Me Being trained to take people out " - Wolvie
" I assume you've been having headaches and nightmares, like Maverick and I, they did something to our minds when we worked here, something code named Project Talos "
" Take a closer look Logan, you remember these places don't you " Silver Fox
" Created Memories, but to what purpose ? " - Beast
Wolverine has memories contradicting the movie sets of his memories he is standing in.
Sabertooth falls to the ground weeping remembering his dad abusing him for being different.
" Why does somebody want us to remember this, like its all bad "
According to the literature on mind control. It has been found most effective to traumatize ( abuse ) a person physically at ages three and five, later these people would be bonded with other children and giving moments of life that seemed perfect/supportive
As Wolverine approaches Silver Fox lovingly, she wards him off
" The cabin, was that a lie too ? " - Wolverine
" Despite initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When they're covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events. " -Doctor

" Aldo Ferro was a crime lord...who once owned half the land /biz in Cuba. During the Weapon X experiment, Ferro used his telepathic powers to implant false memories in Wolverine and other victims. Ferro linked the false memories to the pain receptors of his victims not only because it was more effective, but because he enjoyed inflicting pain on others. " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Vol.2
They show the four subjects back to back as if to hint at twinning.
It is made obvious that this set is a movie studio with different rooms to fabricate different childhood memories...
Talos is responsible for their reprogramming, an evil borg looking archon type
"Talosians are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly unemotional, so they gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of living on their planet's surface and needed to use other species to reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and capture Captain Pike. They reappear in "The Menagerie".
all that blabber from wikipedia just means that the Talosians were the Watchers and here we have a Watcher that is trying to reprogram Monarch/Military mind control victims...very odd
Sabertooth uses the creative visualization against the shape shifting watcher and pretends he is fighting his father.
Maverick shape shifts as well.

"Don't you get it Logan, it was all made up "
Weapon Plus
Captain America- 1st generation super soldier
Red Skull
Omega Red
WEAPON X Projects
Wolverine-10th generation super soldier, actual character created 1974
Silver Fox
Lady Deathstrike
Weapon XV
Department H - Alpha Flight
Note: Maverick, Sabertooth, and Wolvie were all in the C.I.A. in the 60s
Note: As if all that wasn't odd enough, the Shi'ar ( from what I understand at the time of writing this ) wanted to preserve Wolverine's genetics to produce clones in other dimensions.

( censored for reasons of Project Security ) Themes in the game include mind control, mental driving, Kennedy, Cuba, and the Cold War, basically an interesting mix of real world black operations history.( CLASSIFIED ) I originally wrote " to mirror Mk-Ultra experiments while playing the game may bring about some helpful memories " although now in retrospect I am not so positive about the approach since, it led to a kind of complete mental breakdown which led to days of actual sickness...

Day 1 the substances have formed new and interesting habits in my physiology, like a sudden need for Apple Jacks. In-game performance however is unaffected. As I have found many super soldier and mind control themes in cartoons, I wanted to delve into the game with the same investigative mind set. Before I even begin I would like to note that your " CIA Handler " in the game has the same name as the man, who takes in Wolverine when he is feral after Weapon X...a Jason Hudson. Wolverine also works for the CIA prior to the events of Weapon X.

The game begins with your character Alex Mason being strapped to a chair. Out the corner of the screen one can note nine TV screens. They play random footage of Kennedy, Russia, China, Castro, repeat, until they all align to an image of one giant eye across all nine TVs. Horny youtubers may want to consider this with all the eyes on pyramids on other TVs in the game as proof of something...

The Call of Duty wiki informs us about the first level
" Mason is asked questions by an unknown interrogator about a numbers broadcast which is being used to contact Soviet sleeper cells in the United States. "
Interrogator: " How can you be sure you really know what happened ? "
" Focus Mason...try to remember "
" Why did you do it Mason, why ? "
" The numbers Mason what do they mean ? "
" You know why your here "
Blueish bright light coming from above...
" You can stop all this now "
" Why did you trust him "
" We're running out of time "
" It's up to you Mason, it's all up to you "
" You killed him Mason. You did it.
No one else. Just you. "
On the right below the TVs, is a smoking cigarette in an ashtray and surgery tools.There are five and six digit codes on many small instruments and machines.
The lights start beating with Mason's heartbeat. There is a whispering voice repeating " I am " without stop and a woman and a man can be heard discussing something but it is not entirely audible.
" Who are you ? " - Mason
" That's not important, what is, is who you are. The numbers Mason what do they mean?
Where are the transmissions coming from ?
Meanwhile electroshock is administered which causes Mason to see strings of seemingly random digits, like the ones found in the room. He also begins receiving memory of the 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion related to a Project 40.
David Ferrie of course trained pilots for that CIA sponsored fiasco, in Guatamala, but not before supplying Castro with weapons to war against Batista.After the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy promptly began clearing house in the intelligence community.
" You will break American "

It is made apparent that Mason was a "gift" to the Russian Castro alliance. On April 19th 1961 two American CIA agents were taken hostage but executed. ( Angus K McNair and Howard F Anderson )
Oct 6, 1963
Reznov fights Mason to distract the guards in a labor camp in Vorkuda, U.S.S.R.
Here it is relayed for the first time in an unrelated context, some of the steps of Mason's programming. These steps are also repeated during the almost assassination of the President. ( Kennedy's debriefing on Castro )
" Secure the keys "
" Ascend from Darkness "
" Reign Fire "
" Unleash the Horde "
" Scold the Wicked beast "
" Wield the Fist of Iron "
" Raise Hell "
Mason in Vorkuda- " I was on my own ...almost a year. They used tear gas. It never left me.
Then the interrogator explains that he was handed over to Jason Hudson.
" Jason Hudson was my new handler "
As Mason is walked through a memory of the the Pentagon, an attractive blonde stares him down.

" We were watching you the whole time "
" You were getting close to your objective "
" This inner sanctum was built in 1943, we rarely use it. Jack Ruby and Oswald flash on two of the eight TVs in the background.
" I can't get these fucking numbers out of my head "
Operation 40 August 12, 1969
The documents ( 3 pages ) inside the game under intel show us that the objective of operation 40 was to " bring about the replacement of the Castro regime with a regime more devoted to the true interests of the Cuban people. This is very similar to the debriefing Eisenhower and Kennedy were actually given on the Bay of Pigs before it went entirely sour.
This file also inform us that mason was born Sept 6, 1960
A file on Vorkuda reveals about Reznov
" his fate was irrevocably changed following a post war mission to the Artic Circle" ( details of the mission are unclear )
" Gulag system, where he endured years of harsh punishment and attempted " reprogramming "
The Rebirth Document is very interesting as well, showing placesin the US with military facilities, charred bodily remains, and what appears to be an alien skull. This document is also marked CIA.
The Revelations document refers to Mason as a preverbial " Manchurian Canidate "
" The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2

Weapon X
There seem to be some unignorable similarities between the accounts of "real super soldiers " and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics Universe.

When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele's, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious " Professor " who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron. The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren't enough, with all the the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finaon's interviews. or Fritz Springmeir's Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that Gijoe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s...

" Under the name Logan, Wolverine had already been working for the CIA alongside fellow agents like Victor Creed, the future Sabertooth. The CIA established Project X in order to convert men into "supersoldiers" with unusual abilities. The project facilities were set up in Windsor, Canada, through a secret agreement with the Canadian government. "
-X-Men: The Ultimate Guide

Season 3 Episode 19 Weapon X, Lies and Videotape
Wolverine travels back to Canada to investigate his past. This is similar to the factual tale of Doctor Ewan Cameron and his furthering of Mengele's mind control sciences in Canada. In this episode the Canadian Professor seems to list the steps of his work as if they are simply chapters in a Fritz Springmeier book. The professor would later have his hand cut off by Wolverine who would track him down and find him hiding in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pest Control Division. He was killed by Silver Fox in Ontario years after.
So Wolverine has dreams about Sabertooth demasculating him by threatening his woman ( Silver Fox ),
" after all we've been through "
This seems to be a reference to what Monarch researchers would consider bonding
Xavier tries to probe his mind and screams in agony
" Strange tortuous memories pouring out as if a damn had burst "
Then Wolverine has a super soldier freak out on his own friends.
" Hank, I found this, inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago, there was no return address. I've seen this image in his mind, this must be a clue to his delusions. Perhaps it triggered him "
"Super Soldier" Duncan Finoan explains these same paranoid delusions and triggers that cause him to board himself up in his house with all the lights off and his guns out.
" You just went in a dream state again what did you see ? "
" Me Being trained to take people out " - Wolvie
" I assume you've been having headaches and nightmares, like Maverick and I, they did something to our minds when we worked here, something code named Project Talos "
" Take a closer look Logan, you remember these places don't you " Silver Fox
" Created Memories, but to what purpose ? " - Beast
Wolverine has memories contradicting the movie sets of his memories he is standing in.
Sabertooth falls to the ground weeping remembering his dad abusing him for being different.
" Why does somebody want us to remember this, like its all bad "
According to the literature on mind control. It has been found most effective to traumatize ( abuse ) a person physically at ages three and five, later these people would be bonded with other children and giving moments of life that seemed perfect/supportive
As Wolverine approaches Silver Fox lovingly, she wards him off
" The cabin, was that a lie too ? " - Wolverine
" Despite initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When they're covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events. " -Doctor

" Aldo Ferro was a crime lord...who once owned half the land /biz in Cuba. During the Weapon X experiment, Ferro used his telepathic powers to implant false memories in Wolverine and other victims. Ferro linked the false memories to the pain receptors of his victims not only because it was more effective, but because he enjoyed inflicting pain on others. " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Vol.2
They show the four subjects back to back as if to hint at twinning.
It is made obvious that this set is a movie studio with different rooms to fabricate different childhood memories...
Talos is responsible for their reprogramming, an evil borg looking archon type
"Talosians are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly unemotional, so they gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of living on their planet's surface and needed to use other species to reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and capture Captain Pike. They reappear in "The Menagerie".
all that blabber from wikipedia just means that the Talosians were the Watchers and here we have a Watcher that is trying to reprogram Monarch/Military mind control victims...very odd
Sabertooth uses the creative visualization against the shape shifting watcher and pretends he is fighting his father.
Maverick shape shifts as well.

"Don't you get it Logan, it was all made up "
Weapon Plus
Captain America- 1st generation super soldier
Red Skull
Omega Red
WEAPON X Projects
Wolverine-10th generation super soldier, actual character created 1974
Silver Fox
Lady Deathstrike
Weapon XV
Department H - Alpha Flight
Note: Maverick, Sabertooth, and Wolvie were all in the C.I.A. in the 60s
Note: As if all that wasn't odd enough, the Shi'ar ( from what I understand at the time of writing this ) wanted to preserve Wolverine's genetics to produce clones in other dimensions.
Monday, February 6, 2012

I have been talking more and more to people my age ( 20smthngs ) about how our society devolved over night into an emotionless void, and I watch their faces turn chalk white in resentment, at beginning to listen to me. I feel that, if we would identify
CGI Sports events of IMAX proportions,
individuals hooked to machines,
people with machines in their ears,
talking to themselves ( bluetooth ) ,
Ad Pop ups on all the screens, and screens everywhere,
Ads that beam directly into the skull,
meaningless pop stars that promote NWO-esque agendas, etc...
WITH the end of the world, then why don't people resist these traps.
Since we identified all these aspects as part of a drastic post apocalyptic world with no sun in films, all you have to do is adjust the set ( maybe leave the Sun there ) and no one will notice they are repeating a script. But, for once, my point is not one, so much about mind control ( or "predictive programming" ) as it is, about humanity.

What is it about real human interactions, that scares the public so much?
Love, Light, and Information all go out the back door when replaced with distraction, temptation, ego gratification power practices...

Is this the world of the Grays, or Techno Archons?

Instead of around the corner...Is it already here?

Instead of looking at everyone else like misunderstood Duane Berrys, when adding up all the victims,experiencers,contactees,abductees, and Elusive Companion interactions, etc... Aren't we all, instead, John Murdoch's waking slowly, but in terms of history, at once ? And seeing the blood, and knowing we were more than just sleeping...?

Monday, January 30, 2012
Michael Reaves and the Looking Glass

Spider Man Unlimited-
In the first episode, NASA scientist explain there is a counter earth on the other side of the Sun. They use circular stargates to teleport a shuttle to Counter Earth, very similar to the technology proposed in Michio Kaku's stargate talks in 2011. Before the first episode is allowed to end, we meet the black oily versions of both Venom and Carnage, as well as the characters of Counter Earth and their religious devotion to the High Evolutionary. Spider Man also gets really psyched over his nano armor, adding to the transhumanism porn feel of many of the cartoons of the 90s. The episode concludes with Spidey about to be sawed open by a bunch of genetic experiments that refer to themselves as Beastials and make it sound cool like bestiality and furries in one warrior class.

The high evolutionary explains in episode two that he was looking for a Utopia, so he built a society out of his genetic experiments. He considers his technology and creations the ultimate achievement. Spidey is saved by some rebels. The high evolutionary is referred to as the Wizard of Oz.
"I thought I came through a space warp to get here... feels more like a looking glass "
Well that's a pretty direct reference to Project Looking Glass and Timeline 2.
Carnage and Venom become obsessed with the synaptic, which in Kirby's world would be the Eternals Uni Mind or perhaps what the borg would defeat us internet...
" Your probably the only untagged human in the city,...Every human is tagged with a subdural chip. " What a strange RFID tangent. I don't remember Spidey in the funny books having such a Star Trek sense.
Recently I have put some theories on the Secret Sun together.
Spidey=World Wide Web=Web is a trap, not a network of opportunities.
Gray aliens are only technologically advanced, big beaming eyes like Spidey
Internet=Web= Trap=Spawned by techno archons ( Borg, Dalek, etc... )

Todd Mcfarlane=Black Oil ( Venom Suit, creeps aboard space shuttle )
Deal with the Devil=Spawn
Black Oil=The Psychology of an Alien New World Order, 9/11 = Spidey resonator
Be Wise as Cartoon Writers... ( Cobra La La La )
"I warped your childhood beyond all recognition." -DAVID WISE
The Beginning
When David Wise was sixteen and growing up in Oslo Norway, he contributed to the Star Trek series by co-authoring an episode that would reaffirm my interest in cartoons as psychedelic experiences, and conveyors of ultimate mystic philosophy just shy of Mystery School experience ( as we have seen in comics with Jack Kirby and live action television with Star Trek )
This episode of course is " How Sharp a Serpent's Tooth "
" Be Wise as Serpents "
A flying serpent convinces the crew he was the incarnation of all ancient worldly serpent deities and that he instructed man in building the pyramids and other sacred sites.
"It is also important to note that, as ( Robert ) Temple points out, the ancient Egyptian word and hieroglyph for goddess also means serpent, and their hieroglyph for Sirius also means tooth. Thus the stories of the "serpent's tooth" can be read as the " Goddess Sirius." The egyptian word for tooth also means dog and, more specifically, dog-god and one hundred." - Icke
" Following the signal of a mysterious probe, the Enterprise is immobilized by an alien whose ship resembles a winged serpent, and who claims to be Kukulkan the ancient god of the Mayan-Aztec people on Earth. Kukulkan transports Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, and Walking Bear to his ship, where they find an ancient city, and are told they must solve the puzzle of the city or the Enterprise will be destroyed."-Star Trek Animated.Com
Note: It is also interesting to note that William Shatner wrote a TV film called Fire Serpent
Ninja Turtles:

It seems Wise was the reason for launching the Ninja Turtles cartoon, of course adapted from Eastman and Laird's comics. After writing seasons of alien contact spiced with Animator Peter Chung's distinctive style, Wise suddenly had a problem when asked by NBC to write in the Alien False Flag War in Season 9. Oddly enough long after Wise would leave the Turtles they would build a stargate to contact Jack Kirby...

Season 9: written by Fred Wolf, who also did the chipmunks and Bond jr. Oddly enough the main alien villain is named Dregg, the actor who plays his voice ( Tony Jay ) is also Dregit, the lead alien in a Spielberg cartoon series Invasion America.
"This is not a question in there but I'm gonna mention this anyway , cause I have you fans here...
I did not come up with Carter,Carter was CBS' idea,Dregg was created by somebody else and ( trails off ) that's a whole nother story. I was just TOLD TO DO IT! "
- David Wise Interview at VIMEO
In Season 9 alone...
Gold is stolen form the Federal Reserve by aliens with Monotomic intent, who wish to establish a base on Earth and pirate our resources. While the turtles gasp at the aliens jacking the gold they fly a plane right past the WTC towers in the same shot. Mystery Ninja- Carter is interested in Hamato Yoshi- the sensei of the foot clan. Sith, black magick kind of ideas are mentioned here. The aliens need the gold to repair their shields, the aliens hijack transhumanist minority report robots to kill humans.The voice of " high tech " is the same as Pinky, as he helps another Brain ( Dregg ) destroy the world.
Dregg descends from a massive UFO, with the Hollywood SET and Tact of a politician to tell people that his own planet was destroyed by greed and war, and our world is on the same path. To help earth he presents the molecular convertor, and the Turtles are suspicious of the public buying in to the plot. Dregg builds a "Citadel of Science for the good of mankind" a huge skyscraper in the middle of the city. " the good old sewers , they'll get you anywhere. Dregg induces very tight security on his new complex. Carter sells out the turtles, and Dregg gives them a Magneto speech while they are abduction style strapped down, about how they are mutant freaks and they should help him conquer the weak. Carter winds up being a furry yellow mutant warrior ( I don't write this stuff ) and the turtles wind up gaining back their friendship with Carter, and blowing the tower. Then splinter gives a mutation speech.
" Master Splinter, Carter,... how long have you been watching kid's cartoons ? "
Starts with underground establishments playing TV shows of Dregg being a hero and savior of Earth as the turtles fight his mining cronies. Carter and Don build a holographic reality creator. Aliens tell world leaders they will fix a dormant space station and the turtles mutate into fat tuna sandwiches...There's a character named Medusa, but she's kind of so annoying that there is no reason to actually inform you of her existence. Carter uses the holographic reality projector successfully to produce a princess leia version of himself as the turtles come to terms with their mutation experience. Carter gets a " stay in the moment " speech from Splinter. Dregg uses the space station he was claiming to fix, to eliminate earth's defenses. Galactic forced labor mines, is something Medusa refers to, " well dudes I guess we are gonna be space miners for the rest of our lives. " " this isn't a phone booth, it's a teleporter ! " Doctor Who reference.
Turtles referred to throughout this miniseries as Deviants, In Jack Kirby's world these are the underground or reptilian race in the Eternals. SkySat is the space station Dregg uses to knock out all Earth communications, and then announces it is a false flag operation. He takes control of all weapons systems on earth. The turtles fly up on a " starship " and bust up the Blue Beam device, I mean SkySat. The "X-fire needs to go to KillDear Mt" says an MP that works for a major corporation. False flag war perpetuated and Ninja Turtles become like X-Men, hated for who they are and their opposition to the V plot. Dregg propaganda takes over the city. " We need to reveal Dregg's plot to the world, not build weapons " The turtles stumble upon a metalurgy incubator, whatever that actually is... The term TeknoGangters is used repeatedly by the Turtles in reference to the Transmutanist...whatever that is...
Dregg establishes another " citadel " at Killdear mountain complete with Annunaki style gargoyles and sacred geometric construction like an old cathedral " Who's this guy's architect Dracula?" The incubator births an angry slug and Carter has to ride it like a bull...
Chronos ( Saturn ) has stopped all the time devices and is firing "Arrows of Time" at the Turtles. He has numbers all over his body. He claims to know the turtles, " King of the Clocktower, I know everything about you ". Exactly like the character in Batman,and that's why its the same writer as the Clock King episode below, except this season was a reaction to the writing of Power Rangers according to the Turtles wiki... ( above link )
Later Series:
False flag alien invasion, identical to season 9 turtles, the bad guys don't even warn the army on the ground. Turtles figure it out right away just like season 9 " fake aliens, fake ships" The turtles realize the false flag war was only about money, and establishing a messiah image for the Earth Defense Force...
Tarzan and the Space God
Episode of the Tarzan cartoon identical to the Star Trek episode discussed above.
Defenders of the Earth
Themes of winged serpents hiding in Tibetan monastaries, and Ming begins to becomes Mandarin
Dark City guys...Daemonites...and the Kerubim
"The Cherubim were originally the ancient protectors of the Mesopotamian Tree of ...Life. They were often depicted supporting the thrones of deities and kings.They are closely related to (and often identical to) the sphinx."-
* " 2000 years ago alien ship landed on earth" Kerubim vs Daemonites, the word " assimilate " literally used, and VOID's ancient origin..
* " you are a genetic hybrid "
* PINK PKD Valsi Light transmutes Warblade into his goofy self
* " Ive had enough science fiction for one day! "
* VOID=MONOLITH=AIN SOPHIA at once somehow...
* " We are your masters...we need host bodies...Its a marker lets the Daemonites have an entry point to your body..."
* Zealot and Grifter are like the Bounty Hunters in X-files kind of
frozen and stored human usual...
The Beginning
When David Wise was sixteen and growing up in Oslo Norway, he contributed to the Star Trek series by co-authoring an episode that would reaffirm my interest in cartoons as psychedelic experiences, and conveyors of ultimate mystic philosophy just shy of Mystery School experience ( as we have seen in comics with Jack Kirby and live action television with Star Trek )
This episode of course is " How Sharp a Serpent's Tooth "
" Be Wise as Serpents "
A flying serpent convinces the crew he was the incarnation of all ancient worldly serpent deities and that he instructed man in building the pyramids and other sacred sites.
"It is also important to note that, as ( Robert ) Temple points out, the ancient Egyptian word and hieroglyph for goddess also means serpent, and their hieroglyph for Sirius also means tooth. Thus the stories of the "serpent's tooth" can be read as the " Goddess Sirius." The egyptian word for tooth also means dog and, more specifically, dog-god and one hundred." - Icke
" Following the signal of a mysterious probe, the Enterprise is immobilized by an alien whose ship resembles a winged serpent, and who claims to be Kukulkan the ancient god of the Mayan-Aztec people on Earth. Kukulkan transports Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, and Walking Bear to his ship, where they find an ancient city, and are told they must solve the puzzle of the city or the Enterprise will be destroyed."-Star Trek Animated.Com
Note: It is also interesting to note that William Shatner wrote a TV film called Fire Serpent
Ninja Turtles:

It seems Wise was the reason for launching the Ninja Turtles cartoon, of course adapted from Eastman and Laird's comics. After writing seasons of alien contact spiced with Animator Peter Chung's distinctive style, Wise suddenly had a problem when asked by NBC to write in the Alien False Flag War in Season 9. Oddly enough long after Wise would leave the Turtles they would build a stargate to contact Jack Kirby...

Season 9: written by Fred Wolf, who also did the chipmunks and Bond jr. Oddly enough the main alien villain is named Dregg, the actor who plays his voice ( Tony Jay ) is also Dregit, the lead alien in a Spielberg cartoon series Invasion America.
"This is not a question in there but I'm gonna mention this anyway , cause I have you fans here...
I did not come up with Carter,Carter was CBS' idea,Dregg was created by somebody else and ( trails off ) that's a whole nother story. I was just TOLD TO DO IT! "
- David Wise Interview at VIMEO
In Season 9 alone...
Gold is stolen form the Federal Reserve by aliens with Monotomic intent, who wish to establish a base on Earth and pirate our resources. While the turtles gasp at the aliens jacking the gold they fly a plane right past the WTC towers in the same shot. Mystery Ninja- Carter is interested in Hamato Yoshi- the sensei of the foot clan. Sith, black magick kind of ideas are mentioned here. The aliens need the gold to repair their shields, the aliens hijack transhumanist minority report robots to kill humans.The voice of " high tech " is the same as Pinky, as he helps another Brain ( Dregg ) destroy the world.
Dregg descends from a massive UFO, with the Hollywood SET and Tact of a politician to tell people that his own planet was destroyed by greed and war, and our world is on the same path. To help earth he presents the molecular convertor, and the Turtles are suspicious of the public buying in to the plot. Dregg builds a "Citadel of Science for the good of mankind" a huge skyscraper in the middle of the city. " the good old sewers , they'll get you anywhere. Dregg induces very tight security on his new complex. Carter sells out the turtles, and Dregg gives them a Magneto speech while they are abduction style strapped down, about how they are mutant freaks and they should help him conquer the weak. Carter winds up being a furry yellow mutant warrior ( I don't write this stuff ) and the turtles wind up gaining back their friendship with Carter, and blowing the tower. Then splinter gives a mutation speech.
" Master Splinter, Carter,... how long have you been watching kid's cartoons ? "
Starts with underground establishments playing TV shows of Dregg being a hero and savior of Earth as the turtles fight his mining cronies. Carter and Don build a holographic reality creator. Aliens tell world leaders they will fix a dormant space station and the turtles mutate into fat tuna sandwiches...There's a character named Medusa, but she's kind of so annoying that there is no reason to actually inform you of her existence. Carter uses the holographic reality projector successfully to produce a princess leia version of himself as the turtles come to terms with their mutation experience. Carter gets a " stay in the moment " speech from Splinter. Dregg uses the space station he was claiming to fix, to eliminate earth's defenses. Galactic forced labor mines, is something Medusa refers to, " well dudes I guess we are gonna be space miners for the rest of our lives. " " this isn't a phone booth, it's a teleporter ! " Doctor Who reference.
Turtles referred to throughout this miniseries as Deviants, In Jack Kirby's world these are the underground or reptilian race in the Eternals. SkySat is the space station Dregg uses to knock out all Earth communications, and then announces it is a false flag operation. He takes control of all weapons systems on earth. The turtles fly up on a " starship " and bust up the Blue Beam device, I mean SkySat. The "X-fire needs to go to KillDear Mt" says an MP that works for a major corporation. False flag war perpetuated and Ninja Turtles become like X-Men, hated for who they are and their opposition to the V plot. Dregg propaganda takes over the city. " We need to reveal Dregg's plot to the world, not build weapons " The turtles stumble upon a metalurgy incubator, whatever that actually is... The term TeknoGangters is used repeatedly by the Turtles in reference to the Transmutanist...whatever that is...
Dregg establishes another " citadel " at Killdear mountain complete with Annunaki style gargoyles and sacred geometric construction like an old cathedral " Who's this guy's architect Dracula?" The incubator births an angry slug and Carter has to ride it like a bull...
Chronos ( Saturn ) has stopped all the time devices and is firing "Arrows of Time" at the Turtles. He has numbers all over his body. He claims to know the turtles, " King of the Clocktower, I know everything about you ". Exactly like the character in Batman,and that's why its the same writer as the Clock King episode below, except this season was a reaction to the writing of Power Rangers according to the Turtles wiki... ( above link )
Later Series:
False flag alien invasion, identical to season 9 turtles, the bad guys don't even warn the army on the ground. Turtles figure it out right away just like season 9 " fake aliens, fake ships" The turtles realize the false flag war was only about money, and establishing a messiah image for the Earth Defense Force...
Tarzan and the Space God
Episode of the Tarzan cartoon identical to the Star Trek episode discussed above.
Defenders of the Earth
Themes of winged serpents hiding in Tibetan monastaries, and Ming begins to becomes Mandarin
Dark City guys...Daemonites...and the Kerubim
"The Cherubim were originally the ancient protectors of the Mesopotamian Tree of ...Life. They were often depicted supporting the thrones of deities and kings.They are closely related to (and often identical to) the sphinx."-
* " 2000 years ago alien ship landed on earth" Kerubim vs Daemonites, the word " assimilate " literally used, and VOID's ancient origin..
* " you are a genetic hybrid "
* PINK PKD Valsi Light transmutes Warblade into his goofy self
* " Ive had enough science fiction for one day! "
* VOID=MONOLITH=AIN SOPHIA at once somehow...
* " We are your masters...we need host bodies...Its a marker lets the Daemonites have an entry point to your body..."
* Zealot and Grifter are like the Bounty Hunters in X-files kind of
frozen and stored human usual...
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Beam Me Up...PLEASE!
It's showtime in six hours. New Orleans Comic Con is rolling. We are right across from Greg Horn and right in front of James O Barr. Holla! I can never thank the Secret Sun family enough for all their support. In six hours I complete my life's dream. Not to get to space or own twenty cars, but, quite simply to make a comic book.
I will also be presenting ViolatoR and Trevor's work as well as some of my own research, the comic, posters, and stickers. We covered our table in wires and tree parts and a movie of Aesthar lost in her urban landscape will be playing constantly as people walk by.
I am no longer with the band Autotomii and so sadly, that album will not see the light of day.
After channeling Jack and Gene so much, I hope Stan and Bill are easy to talk to. Jack wants me to tell Stan, that he's not mad at him. But I don't wanna upset Stan. Being my childhood hero and all...
I have started two Secret ( Secret Sun ) Projects as well, that I will be unveiling in the Sun in a few months.
I will also be presenting ViolatoR and Trevor's work as well as some of my own research, the comic, posters, and stickers. We covered our table in wires and tree parts and a movie of Aesthar lost in her urban landscape will be playing constantly as people walk by.
I am no longer with the band Autotomii and so sadly, that album will not see the light of day.
After channeling Jack and Gene so much, I hope Stan and Bill are easy to talk to. Jack wants me to tell Stan, that he's not mad at him. But I don't wanna upset Stan. Being my childhood hero and all...
I have started two Secret ( Secret Sun ) Projects as well, that I will be unveiling in the Sun in a few months.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The Big One Bibliography
Part 1 References:
Department 56
Wonder Woman
wikipedia archon
Jay Weidner
John Lamb Lash
Star Trek
South Park
Spider Man
Todd Mcfarlane
Spider Man ( cartoon )
Spider Man and his Amazing Friends ( cartoon )
Spider Woman ( cartoon )
Spider Man Unlimited ( cartoon )
Machine Man
the Borg
Agent Smith
Mortal Kombat
Shao Khan
Seven of Nine
Deep Space Nine
2001: A Space Odyssey
Hal 9000
Red Skull
Cosmic Cube
Captain America ( film )
Captain America ( comic )
Marvel wiki
The Watcher
Part 2
Star Wars
William Henry book ( Stargate somethin )
Leiden Paypyrus, stanza 50
wikipedia- the Nine muses
wikipedia- the number Nine
Outer Limits
Christopher Knowles
Gene Roddenberry
picture from Devil in the Dark
picture from...Nine Unknown Men ( game )
Nine Unknown Men ( book )
Nine Unknown Men book at wikipedia
Part 3
Star Trek the Next Generation
The Stargate Conspiracy
Cosmic Voyage:
A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth
Star Trek cartoon
I am Spock
Magic the Gathering
The Beatles
The 9 ( video game company )
World of Warcraft
Hellgate London
The Nine Last Resort
All Spark Cube
Dark City
Clockwork Orange
David Childress
Lara Croft
Han Solo
Alan Moore
Trevor's Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch
Doctor Who
Dead Space
Resident Evil
The Thing
H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness
Battlestar Galactica
Alice in Wonderland
Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Pan's Labyrinth
Let Me In
The Hunger Games
Alan Moore's Neonomicon
Planet of the Apes
Stranger in A Strange Land, written by Robert A. Heinlein.
Man who Fell to Earth ( film )
Department 56
Wonder Woman
wikipedia archon
Jay Weidner
John Lamb Lash
Star Trek
South Park
Spider Man
Todd Mcfarlane
Spider Man ( cartoon )
Spider Man and his Amazing Friends ( cartoon )
Spider Woman ( cartoon )
Spider Man Unlimited ( cartoon )
Machine Man
the Borg
Agent Smith
Mortal Kombat
Shao Khan
Seven of Nine
Deep Space Nine
2001: A Space Odyssey
Hal 9000
Red Skull
Cosmic Cube
Captain America ( film )
Captain America ( comic )
Marvel wiki
The Watcher
Part 2
Star Wars
William Henry book ( Stargate somethin )
Leiden Paypyrus, stanza 50
wikipedia- the Nine muses
wikipedia- the number Nine
Outer Limits
Christopher Knowles
Gene Roddenberry
picture from Devil in the Dark
picture from...Nine Unknown Men ( game )
Nine Unknown Men ( book )
Nine Unknown Men book at wikipedia
Part 3
Star Trek the Next Generation
The Stargate Conspiracy
Cosmic Voyage:
A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth
Star Trek cartoon
I am Spock
Magic the Gathering
The Beatles
The 9 ( video game company )
World of Warcraft
Hellgate London
The Nine Last Resort
All Spark Cube
Dark City
Clockwork Orange
David Childress
Lara Croft
Han Solo
Alan Moore
Trevor's Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch
Doctor Who
Dead Space
Resident Evil
The Thing
H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness
Battlestar Galactica
Alice in Wonderland
Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Pan's Labyrinth
Let Me In
The Hunger Games
Alan Moore's Neonomicon
Planet of the Apes
Stranger in A Strange Land, written by Robert A. Heinlein.
Man who Fell to Earth ( film )
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Big One : ViolatoR's Mystery Cubes

The Cube, and early teleplay by The Muppets creator Jim Henson, features a man trapped inside a cube of unknown purpose. The man does not know how he got there, why is he there, or how he can escape.

That’s about as concise of an explanation for the human condition as you can get.

And interesting aside could be made about the man as an actor who is being manipulated by director and puppeteer Jim Henson.

The cube and the square (both the shape and the masonic tool) are symbols of the material part of the universe. The shape is indicative of higher dimensions.

For instance, a two-dimensional hexagon can reveal a three-dimensional cube turned so that we are looking down the apex of one corner of the cube to the opposite corner. The shape is symbolically seen as 6-around-1 with a seventh point in the center and a hidden eighth point behind that. It is the center of a sacred geometry framework known as Metatron’s Cube.

The hidden cube at the center also indicates one more dimension in the idea of a fourth-dimensional tesseract. A black square, or cube, is the symbol for the planet and god Saturn, chief of the 7 “wandering stars” and ruler of this world. The planet saturn actually has a hexagonal shaped storm on its north pole. Saturn is associated with time, and thus death and decay, the color black and the element lead; the most dense and profane of the alchemical elements.

A eight-sided octahedron fits inside a cube with each vertex touching a face of the cube. Octagrams can be drawn as two overlapping squares, but in this case only one square represents earth and the material while the other represents heaven and the spiritual. A cube has 6 sides, 8 vertices, and 12 edges. The sum of these numbers is 26, the numeric value of the four-letter name of god in Hebrew: YHWH. Also known as the tetragrammaton, the four letters in modern Hebrew are sometimes written vertically to represent a man with a head, arms, the trunk, and the legs.

Unfolded, the cube can become a cross; notoriously the symbol of the crucifixion of the Christian messiah Jesus. Upon his death, Jesus sent his spirit back to it's source with these words: "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!" (Luke 23:46) Already symbolically tied to higher dimensions through Metatron’s Cube, cuboid objects are often used in popular culture as a means of supernatural transportation; whether it be between dimensions or just through space. See, for example, the cuboid phone booths in the television series Dr. Who and in the movie Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure. Keanu Reeves can be seen on the movie poster for Excellent Adventure atop the phone booth with his legs outlining the word “one” out of the word ”phone.”

He would go on to play “the One,” the messiah figure of The Matrix franchise. Keanu also travels to hell and back in the movie Constantine.

The physical world is the opposite of the spiritual world in classic duality. In various cosmologies the heavens and earth are separated by some act of creation. Creative deities are known as demiurges, such as the god Yahweh/YHWH. In a Gnostic sense, this is not the highest expression of god, but only a lesser and less perfect god responsible for the material plane of existence. Hollywood has any number of movies and television shows which hint at a Gnostic viewpoint of our world. As god created man, man’s creations are one more layer lower in the spiritual hierarchy, and are usually symbolized by an imperfect and insane artificial intelligence and as robotic humanoids (an analogy of Yahweh as creator of Man). The A.I. of the movie I, Robot is a typical example. Supercomputer V.I.K.I. uses her creation, the latest in robotic technology, to attempt a global takeover. She presents herself as a projection of a face inside of a cube. The best example is probably the movie 9, where an imperfect artificial intelligence creates equally imperfect robots which turn on their masters and absolutely destroy the world, killing all humans in the process. The creator of the insane A.I. is known as “the source,” by his more perfect creations, nine dolls who each contain an equal part of the source’s soul. Here we have the Gnostic idea of a source of the duality, as well as an imperfect creation/creator, and the more perfect creation which contains part of the source in much the same way Jesus or any human does. The difference being that the source is realized in Jesus and not in general humanity at large.

The robots of I, Robot are all linked by a shared consciousness controlled by the supercomputer V.I.K.I. via an up-link which must be disabled in order to stop the robot menace. In the televsion and movie franchise Star Trek, there is a enemy race known as The Borg. They assimilate all beings they encounter and add their consciousness to the collective mind of The Borg. They also fly through space in a giant cube. In the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, cuboid “monoliths” originate from some unknown source in the universe to aid in the creation and evolution of life. The monolith acts as a stargate when astronaut Dave Bowman enters it and is evolved into a new type of consciousness.

In The Matrix, all humans are born into a shared consciousness known as the matrix which is controlled by the artificial intelligence that the humans had created in the past. Some humans do live outside of the matrix program in a place known as Zion which is located somewhere deep in the earth near the core. It is symbolically Hell: the material world humans exist in while they are not part of the source. The Cube movie trilogy features a cube of unknown origin and purpose which is being used as some sort of test for the people trapped inside of it.

The company which maintains the cube is called IZON, an anagram of Zion of The Matrix. The saviour figure of The Matrix, Keanu Reeves as Neo, must realize his full potential and free himself, and by extension all humans, from the artificial prison.

The themes point to the cube as a symbol of the material world where a less-than-perfect creative deity has placed us, but from where we can escape if we realize the source within.

-by ViolatoR
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